Thursday, May 26, 2011

30 Astonishing Photos of Camouflage Photography in the Animal World

Some animals have sharp teeth, some have fragile wings, some are predators, some chew on grass, but they all need to survive. Even if harder to believe, some carnivores can be extinct pretty fast, if they don’t find an “intelligent” method of hunting.
On the other hand, small animals with poor defense mechanisms need to find a smart way of surviving and hiding. Nature has found the solution: “camouflage”. The evolutionary ability of transforming or adapting to the environment to become a contained part of it. In one way of another, most of the animals have developed such a skill, and they can easily trick the eye.
From changing colors to changing body shapes, vertebrates and invertebrates appear as if… they are not there. This post will exemplify the camouflage technique, even in the underwater world. Prepare to train your eyes for spotting the animals and their amazing disguises!
30 Photos


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